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Ketomac tablets are used for the treatment of fungal infections. They are consumed orally. They are used for the treatment of any yeast infections on any part of the body like nails, mouth, lips, scalp etc. It is used only when other home remedies or any other kind of treatment has not worked or has led to any side effects. Ketomac tablets are generally taken with food every day and generally at the same time each day. One should take it regularly and not stop in between if he wants to see the results otherwise earlier consumption will not show any effects. The use, side effects, ingredients, description of the product and every other detail is available on the backside of the product. One must read it before using it. For how much time it is to be used, in what quantity etc. In case of any doubt, one must ask the physician. One can also order tablets online and can get them delivered to their doorstep. So, let's discuss some points on ketomac tablets:-

Booklet printing is done in different sizes and shapes and has multiple names referred to as: •          Booklets •          Magazines •          Brochures There are many feasible names, but necessarily if its cover is manufactured from paper and is not hard like a book, then

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