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  /  Travel   /  The Atlantic Visa Application To Become A Pilot In Canada
Atlantic visa Canada

The Atlantic Visa Application To Become A Pilot In Canada

Many people are planning to settle in Canada because they are provided with several job opportunities and enjoy the lifestyle of Canada. The Canadian government is offering opportunities to international citizens who are talented and can contribute to their country in a best manner. You can visit Canada as a visitor or plan to work in Canada. You can also choose to become a permanent citizen of Canada if you wish to continue living even after retirement. But, you should fulfill the requirements of Canadian government. They offer various programs to different type of people. You can enter Canada as a defense professional also. You can obtain an Atlantic visa Canada if you are a pilot.

Applying for the AIPP

You can apply for AIPP immigration program if you are a defense professional.  In Canada, the Atlantic professionals are recruiting professionals in the field of defense from Canada and also the international citizens.  Under this program, the employers should offer a job letter to the candidates and such candidates may become the permanent citizens of Canada later on. The government of Canada supports the defense association and the Atlantic provinces of Canada.  Three kinds of Atlantic programs are available and a candidate can just apply for a program.   You should apply for Atlantic visa Canada if you wish to become a pilot in Canada.

You should check for your eligibility before applying for the program. The three types of Pilot programs include Atlantic High-Skilled Program, Atlantic International Graduate Program, and Atlantic Intermediate Skilled Program. The authorities access the work experience, qualification, educational background, skills of the candidates and approve the application of the student.  The candidates should fulfill some requirements to acquire the work permit from the government. They should acquire letter from the province and should get a job letter from the Canadian employers. Within 90 days from applying for the temporary work permit, they should apply for the permanent resident in Canada. 

The candidates are permitted to work in four provinces of Canada namely New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland. The candidates should just fulfill the requirements need for the job and they are not accessed through the Labor Market Impact Assessment. Initially the candidates can apply for temporary work permit and later they should apply to become permanent residents. They should prove their proficiency if they are seeking to become permanent residents. The aipp immigration consultants in Canada provide advisory services to the candidates who wish to become pilots in Canada. They can choose any of the four provinces. 

You should apply for the position in three simple steps:

The employer in Canada should become designated employer and hence they can select candidates who are ideal for the job.

Then, if you are an applicant, then you should contact the designated employer. The designated employer connects you to a service provider who helps in settlement process. You should prepare a settlement plan and apply for the post. Then, you are provided with an endorsement letter.

Then, when you get the endorsement letter, then you should apply for PR Visa and also produce the essential documents. 

To complete the process, you preferably consult aipp immigration consultants in Canada.


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